Today is our final 20 Days for 20 Years campaign installment! We have a lot to cover, including final reminders for those attending the All Company Meeting in person or remotely, as well as a snapshot of what West Monroe looked like in its first year. Let’s get to it!
Final Reminders
Check your Know-Before-You-Go email
On Tuesday, May 3, in-person attendees received a Know-Before-You-Go email from West Monroe Life with detailed information on how to get to and what to expect at the ACM. We strongly recommend you double-check that email before you arrive so all you have to worry about is finding your colleagues in the Convention Center. The Know-Before-You-Go is also available here.
Double-check your hotel and find your shuttle at the airport
We will have shuttle buses from the San Antonio Airport (SAT) to your hotel. Be sure to double-check the name of your hotel so you get on the correct shuttle and/or get off at the right hotel. You should have received a confirmation directly from your hotel.
Some of the hotels are similarly named, so it can be tricky! Fortunately, all the hotels are within quick walking distance of each other, so don’t worry if you end up at the wrong spot. Contact wm@rnepartners.com if you have any questions.
Register on site for the event and get your West Monroe swag!
Once you check into your hotel, we recommend walking over to the Convention Center to register and print your badge. Several iPad stations will be available for registration. You can either scan the unique QR code you received in your May 3 Know-Before-You-Go email or enter your first and last name. Though we will work to minimize lines, expect to wait during busier periods. After you register, walk over to the swag station and check out the Culture Fair! ACM programming begins at 5 p.m. CT in the Convention Center.
Remote attendees can check their calendar for Zoom information
Remote attendees have calendar holds with a Zoom link for each day of the ACM. Live stream content will also be available for playback should you miss a session. We suggest remote attendees download The ACM App for most up-to-date agenda information as times may shift!
Download The ACM App
The ACM App is available to download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store! Check it out for schedule information, an attendee directory, activity feed, a photo scavenger hunt, real-time notifications of upcoming programming and events, and more. Be sure to sign in with the email you used to register, most likely your @westmonroepartners.com email.
Contact us with any questions or concerns
Contact wm@rnepartners.com with any questions or concerns as you head to the All Company Meeting. You can also check the “Contact” icon on The ACM App for a more detailed breakdown of whom to contact in a given situation (e.g., trouble with your flight or hotel, mobile app assistance, safety concerns).
West Monroe at Year 1
To finish our infographic series, check out West Monroe in its infancy!
Thank you, West Monroe!
Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone for joining us on this 20 Days for 20 Years journey (and for reading to the bottom of this long message!). It has been a joy to bombard your inbox with West Monroe facts and goings-on, and of course to learn more about you through songs and photos. Can’t wait for the All Company Meeting!